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Year 1

DPTE 511: Basic Sciences I

Basic Sciences I provides a study of the morphology of the human body including the macro-anatomy (gross anatomy), microanatomy (histology) of the basic tissues, and provides an introduction into the mechanisms of diseases. It includes the study of the bones, ligaments, muscles, nerves, blood vessels, and their associated organs. Emphasis is placed on the musculoskeletal and neuromuscular systems. Consideration is given to clinical entities, by including imaging and clinical cases. Formal lectures, laboratory experiences (including cadaver dissections, observation of radiographs, and microscopy sessions) are supplemented by required reading and other resources. [10 SCH]

DPTE 512: Professional Issues I

Professional Issues I focuses on the orientation of the student to the Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science and the American Physical Therapy Association policies and procedures. This orientation is designed to ensure student compliance with all departmental, university, and professional regulations and guidelines for conduct. As such, the student will be completing many of the administrative tasks necessary for enrollment as a full-time student. Lectures, discussions of the Maryland Physical Therapy Practice Act and self-directed exercises on the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice will provide the opportunity for the student to examine the ethical and professional issues surrounding physical therapy practice and conduct as a student in this program. Extemporaneous speaking and laboratory sessions will give the student the skills to prepare and give professional presentations that can contribute to the body of physical therapy knowledge. [3 SCH]

DPTE 513: Basic Sciences II

Basic Sciences II provides an integrated “systems-oriented” approach to the morphological and developmental organization of the human body. Integrated study of neuroanatomy, embryology, histology, physiology, pathology and pharmacology is employed in this Block to prepare students for the rest of the professional curriculum. Formal lectures, laboratory experiences, and clinical correlation conferences, supplemented by required readings are used to help students gain mastery of the essential concepts of these foundational sciences. Each of the body’s major organ systems will be studied beginning with structural and functional aspects of individual cell types and progressing to tissue and systems levels. Basic pathology, pathophysiology, and system-related pharmacology are addressed before moving to each new subject area. The interdependence of structure and function of tissues and organs is emphasized throughout the lifespan. [15 SCH]

DPTE 514: Basic Sciences III

Basic Sciences III integrates and consolidates the foundations of movement sciences and bio-physical sciences pertaining to human function across the life span. It will serve as an interface between the previous basic science Blocks and the clinical sciences Blocks. Students will acquire knowledge in the application of biomechanical and patho-mechanical correlates and motor behavior theories to the analyses of movements in health and pathology and use this knowledge to develop basic screening, evaluation, assessment, and performance measures and skills. They will develop the basic skills of documenting and reporting the findings of the studied evaluation measures and intervention outcomes. The student will learn to describe, operate, and apply skillfully various therapeutic technologies used in habilitation and rehabilitation of patients with musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, cardio-pulmonary, vascular, and integument deficits. Instruction will foster critical thinking and an evidence-based approach to problem solving skills necessary for developing effective and efficient independent clinicians. Lectures, laboratory activities, numerous case presentations, and problem-based learning will be used in this Block. Successful mastery of the material presented in the Block will be measured through performance on written and practical examinations. [14 SCH]

DPTE 515: Professional Issues II 

Professional Issues II prepares the student to communicate and appropriately interact with other health care providers, third-party payers, patients, clients, and their families. Educational experiences will include panel discussions with professionals in a variety of settings. Extensive exercises in documentation and ethics will provide the student with a foundation to communicate clinical decisions and conduct themselves professionally with other health care professionals, patients, clients, and their caregivers. [3 SCH]

Year 2

DPTE 520: Medical Issues 

Medical Issues provides the student with knowledge of common medical and surgical conditions that present throughout the lifespan.  The hospital clinical practice setting will serve as the introductory benchmark for instruction and will highlight, compare, and contrast the variety of settings reflective of patient acuity – emergency room, intensive care unit, transitional care unit and general medical/surgical units. Medical complexity will be discussed in all settings.  A portion of this Block is dedicated to the comprehensive understanding of the etiology and management of congenital, traumatic and acquired pathological amputations. Clinical wound management practices are outlined for multiple types of open wounds, burns and common dermatologic disorders. Lectures, laboratory exercises, clinic visits, and independent learning modules will assist students to master clinically relevant information. Practical learning experiences include analysis of laboratory and medical/surgical data, patient co-morbidities/risk factors, resource availability, and information gained through interdisciplinary professional interactions. Students will also gain exposure to evidence-based practice through interactive dialogue in research seminars. [14 SCH]

DPTE 522: Musculoskeletal I

Musculoskeletal I addresses orthopedic injuries of the spine and lower extremities. Learning experiences include lectures, laboratory sessions, real and simulated patient cases, in addition to small group discussions that focus on clinically relevant examination and management techniques of persons throughout the lifespan. This Block includes critical examination, communication, and effective documentation for appropriately managing persons with orthopedic injuries and diseases.  Weekly laboratory and seminar sessions assist the student to understand the evidence supporting the concepts presented during the Block and integrate these concepts into independent practice. [9 SCH]

DPTE 523: Integrated Clinical Experience

Integrated Clinical Experience I introduces students to the clinical environment in order to practice their clinical skills under direct supervision of a clinical instructor.  Students will have the opportunity to apply didactic knowledge, develop professional behaviors, and practice hands-on skills. [1 SCH]

DPTE 524: Neuromuscular I

Neuromuscular I covers the advanced study of neurological disorders of the central, sympathetic, and peripheral nervous systems across the lifespan. Emphasis is placed on problem-solving and integrating the examination skills and intervention skills covered in previous courses to help students further develop their skills in establishing and executing a comprehensive plan of care for the neurological population. This course introduces skills for the identification and critique of evidence to support clinical practice and training in decision making to develop the skills necessary for independent practice with neurologic patient populations. [9 SCH]

DPTE 545: Full Time Clinical Experience I

In this first in a series of three full-time clinical experiences, students are provided the opportunity to apply didactic knowledge, develop professional behaviors, and practice patient/client management in a clinical setting.  Students perform all aspects of the patient-client management model, including examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, and plan-of-care, documentation, delegation, legal and financial issues related to physical therapist practice.  The clinical experience is 8 weeks in length. [5 SCH]

DPTE 525: Musculoskeletal II

Musculoskeletal II addresses orthopedic injuries of the spine and upper extremity. Learning experiences are based on lectures, laboratory sessions, real and simulated patient cases, as well as via small group discussions that focus on clinically relevant examination and management of persons throughout the lifespan. This Block includes critical examination, communication, and effective documentation for appropriately managing persons with orthopedic injuries and diseases. Weekly laboratory and seminar sessions assist the student in understanding the evidence supporting the concepts presented during the Block and for integrating these concepts into independent practice.  Professional issues are integrated throughout the Block. [8 SCH]

DPTE 527: Neuromuscular II  

Neuromuscular II continues the advanced study of neurological disorders of the central, sympathetic and peripheral nervous system across the lifespan. Course emphasis is on problem-solving and integrating the examination and intervention skills covered in previous Blocks to facilitate the development of competency in establishing and executing a comprehensive plan of care for the neurologic population. Concepts presented in Neuromuscular Block I will be built upon, especially the identification and critique of evidence to support practice and clinical decision making necessary to function as an independent practitioner. Small group seminars further skills in critique of evidence to support clinical practice. Professional issues are integrated throughout the Block. [8 SCH]

Year 3

DPTE 546: Full Time Clinical Experience II

In this second full-time clinical experience, students are provided the opportunity to continue to apply their didactic knowledge, develop professional behaviors, and practice patient/client management in another clinical setting.  Students perform all aspects of the patient-client management model, as described in DPTE 545.  The clinical experience is 12 weeks in length. [7 SCH]

DPTE 547: Full Time Clinical Experience III

In this third, and final, full-time clinical experience, students are provided the opportunity to continue to apply their didactic knowledge, develop professional behaviors, and practice patient/client management in another clinical setting.  Students perform all aspects of the patient-client management model, as described in DPTE 545.  The clinical experience is 12 weeks in length. [8 SCH]